I only want to remove the game continuations I don't want. I can use the option reference, and delete the lines I don't want. With the tree window open and the desired opening moves played on the board, go to menu Windows->Repertoire editor (Ctrl+Shift+R) and in the window that opens, choose Edit->Add group to add the current position to the repertoire.
I'm looking for an easy way to remove the lines I don't want in my repertoire. It are single games for each separate opening lines. Instead you can choose to display PGN's in ECO format in Chessbase, which is a bit more compact and much more readable than the scoresheet format. It's the opposite of efficient use of space. Top-to-bottom formatting (aka the scoresheet format) is NOT a good idea for large numbers of variations. The problem with the PGN viewers I’ve found is they all seem to record notation lines and comments left to right like in a book and not top to bottom which makes much more sense and is less confusing when you have multiple sub variations Well the point is I want the computer to be able to show the moves when I click on each line.